Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Microsoft Exchange 2013 Office 365 - Set explicit folder share permissions with recursive sub-folder permissions

 Had an interesting request to share a folder within an individual's exchange account. What I found out is that if you add permissions to the parent folder, it does not propagate to the child sub-folders. What I had to do was use powershell to define recursive sub-folder permissions. The other interesting note is that I could not run this under my user account (exchange admin) for the individual. The individual had to login via powershell to apply the recursive permissions:

Need to login to powershell as the user who is attempting to share the folder**

Get-MailboxFolder –Identity <owner username>:\<folder name> -Recurse | Add-MailboxFolderPermission -User <username of person who will have access> -AccessRights <permission level: owner/reviewer/etc…>

Need to fill all <fields> with proper input. Please see the following page for permission level explanations:



John wanted to give Jane rights to view items and add items, but not to delete existing items to a folder on the root (same level as inbox)

Get-MailboxFolder –Identity "john@vmngo.com:\shareme" -Recurse | Add-MailboxFolderPermission -User jane@vmngo.com -AccessRights NonEditingAuthor



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